Wednesday 15 January 2014

Clipless 'Classic' Style in Charger Lava

Just finished this one this afternoon - nice having a bit of time away from work.   Still, the garage could be warmer...

This is another example of one of my 'Classic' style pens, clipless, and as the title suggests, made from a  piece of Charger Lava resin.  Beautiful stuff, but sometimes the little voids in it can be a pain to fill in while finishing.  Given the amazing glowing swirls, pretty much worth the effort, I think!

This pen is fitted with a fine nib, a steel JoWo, which I will tune and smooth prior to shipping.  The pen is cartridge/converter filler, and comes with the converter pictured.

Thanks for looking!


Friday 10 January 2014

Something Completely Different - a Walnut Nib Holder for Glass Nibs!

Hello folks,

It has been a while since I have had opportunity to post one of my pens.  Over the Christmas Holiday, we needed the room where I usually keep my photo gear set up, so away it went - which meant no decent pics of the pens of recent pens.  Mind you, since we were hit by a serious deep freeze here in Manitoba through December, my workshop was crazy cold, and not a lot of projects got done during that time...

In any case, here is a special order I got some time back.  The one who ordered this nib holder sent me the glass nibs so that I could ensure a decent fit.  We settled on a darker wood colour, and since I have a good stock of walnut, walnut it is.

The holder is long - around 7 1/2 inches, but very light.  Feels good in the hand.  The nib itself fits by friction into an acrylic sleeve which is inset about 3/4" into the wood, sealing the nib off from the wood itself completely.  The walnut is finished on the outside with several layers of thin CA, nicely soaked in to seal the wood against ink spills.

This was an enjoyable project, as it is something I have not tried before.  I may actually pick up some more of these glass nibs and try another at some point...

Thanks for looking!
