Wednesday 25 February 2015

Black Cherry Shirt Pocket Fountain Pen

Winter again.  Sigh… Seems to happen every year!  Yep, I am once again in a cold-weather slow-down (though admittedly nowhere as bad as last year).  As much as my workspace is well above the temperatures outside, it is still pretty cool at -5 to -10 C lately.  Have had to throw on a lot of layers and suffer very cold hands to get anything done!

Here is one that I did manage to get done yesterday, a 'Shirt Pocket Fountain Pen' in a very cool alumilite resin called 'Black Cherry' at Slabs, Blanks and Boards, where I got it.  When I looked at the unturned blanks, I saw - well, basically purply silver stuff.  But, having turned blanks by this resin maker before, I knew I was in for a treat, and it was no disappointment as I saw the rich swirls of purple, red, silver and black come together in a nice gloss.

I have fitted this pen with a broad polished steel JoWo nib for the pictures, and it has a converter installed for filling.

This pen is about to embark on a long trip overseas to the UK.  Bon voyage!

Thanks for looking,
