Monday 21 September 2015

'Autumn Fire' Cigar Style Fountain Pen

Just a quick blog post - here is my latest pen, a standard sized Cigar style in an alumilite that I believe was called 'Autumn Colours'.  I thought maybe 'Autumn Fire'…

Thanks for looking!


Thursday 17 September 2015

Matte Black Ebonite Large size Cigar style Fountain pen

Hello folks,

Here is  an order I took a while back.  It is actually the second of its kind to the same owner.

The pen is made from excellent quality German black ebonite, finished to a satin-like matte finish, except to the barrel tenon and inside the cap, which are polished (mostly just for the contrast, and because I thought it looked cool).

The pen is a Large size, which has a grip section with a max diameter of 12.7mm, or just over half an inch, compared to my standard grip with max diameter 11.5mmm.  Both are a decent size, but the large is…well, large.

I have installed a lovely 18K JoWo medium nib in this pen, as well as a premium Schmidt converter.

Thanks for looking!
